Thursday, January 22, 2009

Middle of the Night


I must be going through a growth spurt. For a week or so now I wake up between 3-5 am and want to EAT. Mom recently took away the good stuff (read: boob juice) so that might have something to do with it....but mom isn't used to feeding me in the middle of night. She doesn't always look pleased to see me. But look at this FACE! Can you resist me? Even at 3:42 am? Here I am about to recieve a full bowl of oatmeal, a full bowl of yogurt, whole milk, then back to BED!


Jacque said...

I love the bed head!

Yaya said...

Your mom is nicer than I was for my guy who got up until he was 3. He only got bread and butter while I laid on the floor.
Love, Yaya

Jill said...

look at that face! and love the hair..laura i feel for you my dear. I'm guessing mom is talking about joseph, after all he did love bread and butter..and eating.

Katie and joe said...

i looooove that hair..... mmmm how could you resist???