Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas with the Smith's

Here I am snugglin' on my Great-Grandpa's lap...we call him DeDa.

YaYa helped all the kids tell the Nativity Story...which of course isn't complete without the angel.

Jamison was a wiseman...
See my pretty necklace?

And here is my baby Jesus. I made him, then loved him, rocked him, and sang to him.

Gotta go change a diaper now...


PS_ the family party was a lot of fun! Mom didn't take a ton of pictures, but we enjoyed the Smith Party so much, that we cried on the way home to go back!


Jill said...

i wish i could have been there!

Danielle said...

So cute! We are starting nativity the tradition this year in our little family. I miss you! Let's play as soon as Christmas festivities die down!