Friday, May 28, 2010

Trip to Utah

In May we went on a trip to Utah to visit family while Mommy could still fly.  Our last visit was before Paige was born!  It was such a marvelous trip, and these are just a couple of pictures from the many we took.  We stayed with Joseph, Katie and Claire in Provo for several nights, though not many pictures were taken.  We wish we could be back right now!
The kids were great on our trip in May to Utah.  They flew beautifully, got along great, and made it SOOo enjoyable!
We spent most of our time in Utah at Grandma and Grandpa Bell's house.  A MUCH needed and LONG OVERDUE visit. 

Kiddos at Temple Square

We spent time at our cousins land, and had so much fun we are still talking about it months later!

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! We've missed you! Too bad we couldn't time our trips to be around the same time - that would have been fun! How are you feeling?