Sunday, September 13, 2009

Summer of 2009

There are not a lot of pictures to record this crazy summer we have had.  I thought i would sum it up with just a few photos, then start with current events from our family.  

Our new home....(it will NOT let me move the pic. Grrr.)
It was time to say goodbye...after only 8 days on the market, we sold our home that Jason and I bought when we got married and moved out almost to the week, 6 years later.  It was a great first home.  We still miss it.  We had outgrown it, and felt prompted to sell, and sell it did. 

With no picture to prove it, we lived in the Springhill Suites in the interim between our two homes for a week.  Saturday through Thursday....we called it HOME.  Jamison still rides by and says "we lived there mom!"

The new kitchen during move in.  With TONS of help from old-ward/ new-ward friends, we moved the mile and a half...we had a great system! We moved in Thursday, and the following Tuesday Garrett was coming, so we worked fast!

Sierra visiting Garrett in the NICU.  Garrett was born July 7th, and due to him having OI, passed away on July 9th.  

Since then, we have been to the beach twice, hosted TONS of family and friends, and just trying to find some normalcy.  Spiritually and Emotionally our family is doing fine, just recovering from so much company, so much change.  This week will be the first time in a month that we spend two nights alone together in our house in a row.  Crazy.  We have been grateful for all the love and support and help with moving, Garrett's birth and passing...and now we are ready for FALL!  
I said in January this would be a year of change for my family...but I had NO IDEA.  I am tired.  I do not think the change is over though, so we are just growing and laughing and holding on for the ride!  Lots of love for summer 2009!


Yaya said...

Perfect! I couldn't have believed you could have summed everything up so well!
You always astound and amaze me! I am so proud of you.
Love, Mom

Janine said...

SOOOO busy! I hope you get a chance to catch your breath now.

Danielle said...

I am tired just reading the cliff notes! Hope life moves along at a slower pace for you this fall. (As slow as life with 3 little ones can be).

Jenny said...

I love and miss you guys (miss in I don't see you a couple times a week). I am glad that things are leveling out.

James said...

Congrats, guys the home is beautiful!


Sara said...

I have been thinking about you and hope you can fine some peace and normalcy through all the chaos. Your kiddos are getting so big. Your home is beautiful. Thanks for the update.