Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy

We have the best dad, ever.  He dances with us, reads to us, snuggles with us, wrestles with us. He has the best hiding spots in Hide and Go Seek.  He plays games with us and for us when we can't do it alone.  He teaches us funny phrases.  He takes us camping.  He loves our mommy.  He makes us laugh.  He builds tall towers, takes care of the babies, puts together puzzles, and fixes us food.  He works hard DAY and NIGHT so we can eat, sleep, and be taken care of.  He even wipes our bums, and pulls up our pants when they get stuck.  He can brush our hair. He pushes us on the swings.  He is tall and strong, and spends time with us each individually.  He has a crazy tickle hand, and even more tickle-y wiskers.  Our Daddy serves faithfully in church, spending many hours away from us fulfilling his calling. He is good at playing chase, and even better at getting caught.  He is smart.  And funny.  And we love him...more than he will ever know. 
We sure are lucky...not many kids can say all that, and this is only the beginning...
Happy Birthday Daddy, We love you.
~Jamison, Sierra, Paige, and Mommy


Deanna said...

Happy late birthday! I hope you didn't work the whole time....
WAY excited to see you guys in September!

Anonymous said...

Nice tribute to Jason - and we agree he is pretty special but he has been blessed with a special family too
G & G Bell