Saturday, February 28, 2009

Paige Turns One!

February 26th...I turned one! I had a fun party with family and friends, and missed those that were far away!
I really got "into" opening my presents...
Here I am riding my ladybug legs aren't quite long enough yet (SiSi's are perfect...she thinks it is hers)

Daddy helps me get ready to blow out my candles on my cake.

My Piggie cake!

And here it is all over face. Don't let this fool you...i was really too tired by this point to enjoy it much. Yeah for parties! Thank you everyone!

~Big girl Paigie


Marlo said...

Show us how the piggies eat!

Yaya said...

We love you Paige!

Jacque said...

Happy Birthday Paige! Love the cake!

Jill said...

i wish i could have been there! i love my paigey poo.

shelley said...

happy birthday! you'd better hide that ladybug wheelybug paige! when we come over, it's all shaelyn's going to want to play on. they have those at the children's museum in gso, and she loves it! i actually thought of getting her one, so it's cool you have one!

Deanna said...

Happy late birthday big girl -PS the cake is AMAZING!

Cortney said...

The cake looks great! I'm glad your hand didn't fall off while doing all those stars!

Cortney said...

The cake looks great! I'm glad your hand didn't fall off while doing all those stars!